Micropacific Labs


Norbert Perez
Book List
Abstract 01
Abstract 02
Abstract 03
Company Information
Research Programs
Contact Information

Foundation for Endangered Languages

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Guidance Notes for Completion of the Case for Support and the Application Form - Please read this before filling the form in.

Additional notes - You should also read this document too

Compliance with the UK Data Protection Act. 1998.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998, the Personal Data Provided on this form will be processed by FEL and may be held on a computerised database and/or manual files.

Application Form
Click here to download a Word version of this form

You should read the separate notes for guidance before completing this research proposal.

This application form must be accompanied by a Case for Support. Without this the proposal will not be considered.


Address (for all correspondence):


2. Title of Project (not exceeding 150 characters, including spaces)

3. Target language and location:

4. Objectives (list the main objectives in order of priority):

5. Summary (described the proposed research in about 200 words, aimed for the non-specialist reader):

6. Resources (List the resources required and their cost. Please state clearly the currency):

TOTAL REQUESTED: ___________

7. Period requested

I wish the grant to be available from (date)_______________

The project duration will be ________months

8. Collaborations with local communities (name the groups with whom you are collaborating)

9. Other support: is it being provided, or has it been requested for this work? If so, please give details:

Grant title
Awarding Body

10. Declaration by applicant

The Foundation for Endangered Languages provides research funds as a charitable body and therefore the recipients of its grants must be able to prove that their work is of public benefit and they must make the results of their work publicly available. Before publication, permission should also be sought from informants for the use of any material or statements they supply. Therefore applicants are required to sign the following undertaking:

1. I undertake to provide full accounts of my disbursement of the funds granted and to return any unused funds to the Foundation at the end of the period specified in this application. I shall provide receipts and other documentary evidence wherever possible.

2. I undertake to provide the Foundation with a list of recommendations for further monitoring and research on the language after the expiry of my grant.

3. I undertake to publish the results of my research and to make them available to the Foundation for evaluation. Before publication I will seek submission of my informants for the use of or statements or materials they have supplied.

Signed_______________________ Date_________________

1050 Bishop Street, Suite 200
Honolulu, Hawaii USA 96813